Cake Byte is a strategy and technology firm for nonprofits.

With years of collective experience and the support of data science, we help organizations scale faster and exceed their goals.
Our Mission, Vision, and Values

Our mission is to bring joy and relief to our people, partners, and clients as we work to build a kinder world.

We do this through:

Rigor and Heart:
We balance technical acumen and systems thinking with empathy, connection, and caretaking in everything we do.

We tailor durable solutions that stand the test of time, protect our clients’ investment, and enable long-term mission impact.

Unparalleled Quality:
We are damn good at what we do and we deliver our best possible outcomes every time.


We envision a world where data, technology, and human ingenuity converge to empower transformational social change.


Our Commitments to You:
We believe in empathy for all living things and value the unique perspectives and lived experiences of our team, clients, and partners. We honor our shared humanity by acting in the highest integrity in all we do.

Our Commitments to Ourselves:
We believe a mindset of generosity is the foundation to freeing ourselves and our communities from systemic harm. We strive to center love in how we treat ourselves and others.  

Our Commitments to the World:
We believe in an active and demonstrative commitment to equity and justice. Recognizing the flawed systems in which we operate, we work with intentionality to address our own biases and privileges and to amplify marginalized voices and causes.

The breadth of our professional backgrounds sets us apart and helps fill a hole in the nonprofit sector.
Ashley Kilpatrick
Founder, Principal
Ashley has spent her career as an entrepreneurial leader and fundraiser. Her approach integrates the very human dynamics of nonprofit fundraising and team management with the science of data analytics. She believes modern fundraising only thrives with the support of well-managed data and thoughtfully built systems and processes. She has a depth of real-world experience leveraging both technology and human power to help nonprofits grow. With her comprehensive understanding of the stressors and goals of nonprofit work, Ashley brings data to the forefront in a way that can transform organizations.  

“Ashley is a relationship builder, first and foremost, and a data girl too. The way she values people is a rare and beautiful thing. And she’s the best in the business at analyzing a dashboard.”
Lora Gordon
Founder, Principal
Lora is a system and process development expert with 20+ years of non-profit experience – first as a fundraiser in the arts and cultural sector, and later expanding to operational management in social justice organizations.  Lora has extensive experience using data to achieve a mission. She has led database implementation projects, enhancement work, and migration-gone-bad recovery work across large and small nonprofits.  As a practiced educator and facilitator, Lora excels at connecting people with skills and resources, bridging frequent gaps in understanding between systems teams and end users.

“No one can bring people together around CRM work better than Lora Gordon. She can speak the languages of systems folks, fundraisers and marketers, operations teams, and finance. Her passion for her work and for equity and justice bubble over. Stick with Lora and you’ll learn a lot, accomplish a ton, and have fun doing it.”
Adam Linder
Adam is a versatile and creative technologist and data scientist.  With more than 15 years’ experience in technological problem solving, much of that in Information Technology and Security at the University of Pennsylvania, Adam is a skilled translator between the practical needs and goals of end users and the nitty-gritty of technical implementation. He has extensive experience in project management and navigating organizational dynamics, always bringing with him a deep understanding of the techiest of tech. Ever curious, Adam loves detangling complex problems and building elegant solutions that empower users.

“Adam can work magic with Python, SQL and Apex, and he also can lead a delightful conversation about strategic business decisions – or, more casually, about the different eras of punk rock. Adam’s emotional intelligence is high for anyone – but seems to really surprise people when it comes alongside his remarkable technological expertise. He’s a real treasure.”
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